Important Dates and Revised Constitution

The Board wanted to make you aware of a couple of important dates coming up this year and update you on the status of our constitution.

Upcoming Events – Save The Date:2014 Football – This year’s game will be the Oct 18th. OSU vs. Rutgers. We plan to have a similar format as in previous years with a noon tailgate event followed by the game. More information to follow as the date approaches and we finalize planning.

2015 Hall of Fame Dinner – Tentatively planned for March 12th with the Senior Breakfast following the next morning. We are also taking nominations for the HOF, so if you think you know of someone who has made a significant contribution and should be inducted to the Hall of Fame please let us know by replying to this email with a nomination. Even if you are unsure, feel free to make a recommendation. The board will contact you to discuss your recomendation.

Constitution Status – Our new constitution was approved by the OSU Alumni Association during their May Board Meeting. The approved constitution updates some of the language in our document and aligns our association’s policies to be consistent with the OSU Alumni Association. You can read the new constitution here: Constitution at AA Army ROTC