Oct. 2014 – Alumni Update from Lt. Col. Bunyak – PMS&L

Army ROTC Buckeye Alumni,

The semester is flying by, but it has been a very productive month!

The football team has graciously helped our cadets with their pushups by scoring 172 points in the three home games since my last update.  The team looks great!

A big thank you to all who attended the Homecoming Tailgate and a special thank you to our young lieutenants and captains who raised the flag at Saturday’s game and stayed though the rain to bring the flag back down and safely to Converse Hall.

State of the Corps of Cadets. We have 189 enrolled cadets. We’ve contracted 98 of those cadets and will commission 38 this year.  Cadet Command has already met their contracting mission for Mission Set 2016, so we will not be able to contract any more juniors at this time.  Bottom line, the program is in a great position.  The competition for ROTC contracts is getting more and more competitive.  Only the very best cadets will receive contracts.

Dean’s Leadership Academy. The Dean of the Fisher College of Business at The Ohio State University offers an annual academy for leadership.  The Dean’s Leadership Academy (DLA) is a semester long academy for exceptional leaders in the college of business. The DLA invites only 200 of their 1,821 undergraduate students to apply for the academy.  Of those 200 applicants, only 118 or 6% of the total undergraduate population are accepted.

The Army OSU ROTC has developed a partnership with the Dean’s Leadership Academy and will pilot this partnership in the spring semester of 2015. Two MSIII cadets from the Army ROTC program were accepted into the academy.  Cadet Trenton Vore and Cadet Scott McKown will represent the Army ROTC in the academy next semester

The end state is to identify 5 to 10 future leaders annually, regardless of academic discipline, from the Buckeye Battalion to attend the Dean’s Leadership Academy in forthcoming academic years.  These cadets will then serve in key leadership position within the battalion and apply the knowledge and corporate leadership best practices they’ve gained at the academy.

SHARP Partnership. The Under Secretary of the Army directed TRADOC to partner with universities around the country to help combat Sexual Assault.  We’ve fully implemented this partnership. MSG Petty and I are sitting members on the University’s Sexual Violence Committee and the campus climate survey working group.  We have developed a charter between The Ohio State University and the Army ROTC to codify this partnership.  I recently met with the Vice President for Student Affairs and she is thrilled about the partnership and is currently reviewing the charter for signature.

Army 10 Miler. 13 cadets, MSG Petty, and I traveled to Washington DC for the annual Army 10 Miler.  After a rainy and dreary Saturday, the sun came out on Sunday and we had perfect weather for the race. Many of the cadets had never run more than 5 miles.  They all did outstanding, but our top finishers, were, Cadet Maher (1:13), Cadet Gibson (1:14), and Cadet Jenq (1:17).  While in DC, the cadets had an opportunity to meet a 1999 Army Buckeye ROTC Alumni, MAJ Robin Johnson.  MAJ Johnson is currently assigned to the Pentagon and works directly for General Dempsey, the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.  MAJ Johnson has spearheaded the Women’s Mentorship Network for the Armed Forces. Her organization provides mentorship for women serving in the Armed Forces so that they may reach their full potential.  Check out her website at www.womensmentorshipnetwork.com.  MAJ Johnson shared her leadership thoughts.

Brigade Inspection. Our higher headquarters, 7th Brigade, completed a command inspection on the program.  Many of you have experienced the pain of an OIP or CIP.  I can honestly tell you that this was the best inspection I have participated in.   The brigade inspected 43 areas over two days.  The Ohio State University Army ROTC Program received first time “GOs” in 40 (93%) of these 43 areas.  Not only did we receive GOs, but the inspectors noted that this was the best program they’ve inspected to date.

Special Thanks. A special thanks to ROTC Alumni CPT Matt McDaniel and COL Sherrie Bosley.  CPT McDaniel, a branch manager who is assigned to HRC at Ft Knox, took time out of his scheduled leave to give an excellent class to the senior cadets on Officer Management.  COL Bosley has finally made it back to Ohio after successful battalion and brigade commands. She is currently serving as a director at DLA in Columbus.  COL Bosley will address all services and veterans as the guest speaker at the annual Rock Ceremony.  Thank you CPT McDaniel and COL Bosley!!

Social Media. Senior Cadet Winkleman has taken over the OSU Army ROTC website, Facebook page, and also created a Twitter account. He is doing an outstanding job.


LTC Jim Bunyak


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